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This Supreme Court Case on Hunting Is Really About a 150-Year-Old Treaty and Wyoming's Existence as a State
By Olivia B. Waxman
I Was a Sex-Crimes Prosecutor. Here’s Why ‘He Said, She Said’ Is a Myth
By Allison Leotta
Why Trump Couldn’t Really Stop the Mueller Investigation—Even if He Fired Rosenstein
By Martin London
Trump Has a Problem with the International Criminal Court
By Billy Perrigo
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Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Weren't Always Such a Spectacle. There's a Reason That Changed
Hearings used to happen behind closed doors, if at all
By Olivia B. Waxman
September 6, 2018
How Trump Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Could Threaten Undocumented Children's Education
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has stoked public outrage more consistently than any other member of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, a group not principally known for evading indignation. But perhaps DeVos’s most alarming error to...
By Justin Driver
September 4, 2018
'Operation Finale' Shows the Capture of Nazi Adolf Eichmann. But What Happened at His Trial Changed History, Too
"The trial’s purpose was to put the Holocaust on trial"
By Lily Rothman
August 29, 2018
Why the U.S. Has the Campaign Finance Laws That Michael Cohen Broke and What Their History Means for Trump
The Tillman Act was passed in 1907
By Ciara C Torres-Spelliscy, Stetson University / The Conversation
August 23, 2018
John Dean Helped Expose Nixon's Role in a Conspiracy. He Says Michael Cohen Just Did the Same to Trump
"What got me through the whole matter was my belief that the truth ultimately prevails"
By Olivia B. Waxman
August 21, 2018
Why President Trump Couldn't Have Stopped the White House Counsel From Talking to the Mueller Investigation
And why talk of attorney-client privilege is misleading
By Martin London
August 20, 2018
Why President Trump's Latest Collusion Claims Don't Add Up
Assessing the "Collusion is not a crime" and "I did not know about it" arguments
By Martin London
August 9, 2018
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wishes This Case Had Legalized Abortion Instead of 'Roe v. Wade'
She explained why during her confirmation hearing. She was confirmed by the Senate 25 years ago.
By Olivia B. Waxman
August 2, 2018
5 Reasons Why Supreme Court Nominations Have Failed
From ethical concerns to election years
By Olivia B. Waxman
July 10, 2018
Trump's Supreme Court Pick Puts Spotlight on 'Roe v. Wade' on 150th Anniversary of the Amendment That Made the Case Possible
Renewed focus on the case coincides with the birthday of the 14th Amendment
By Olivia B. Waxman
July 9, 2018
I Brought the Case that Made Same-Sex Marriage Legal. Anthony Kennedy's Retirement Threatens All We Have Won
'Before his retirement announcement, as a member of the LGBTQ community, I saw Kennedy as something of a hero'
By Jim Obergefell
June 28, 2018
I'm a Judge Who Decides if Children Should Be Separated from Abusive Parents. Here’s How Trump’s Immigration Policy Should Change
To better reflect how America already handles
By Darlene Byrne
June 27, 2018
The Surprising Consequences of the Supreme Court Cases That Changed Sexual Harassment Law 20 Years Ago
One reason why legal remedies for workplace harassment are hard to come by can be traced to a pair of 1998 cases
By Olivia B. Waxman
June 26, 2018
Why Drug Company Executives Haven’t Really Seen Justice for Their Role in the Opioid Crisis
The maker of OxyContin faces a new lawsuit
By Barry Meier
June 15, 2018
Why This Flag Day Is a Reminder That the Meaning of American Patriotism Is More Complicated Than You Might Think
Flag Day 2018 marks the 75th anniversary of a landmark Supreme Court decision about whether patriotic gestures could be mandatory
By Olivia B. Waxman
June 14, 2018
The President’s Pardon Might Be About More Than Dinesh D’Souza
Just look at Trump’s own legal trouble
By Paul S. Ryan
June 1, 2018
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