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Emily Rauhala
Recent Articles
Read TIME's Profile of Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen
In June 2015, TIME sat down for a candid conversation over bacon and eggs with Taiwan's current leader when she was just a presidential candidate
By Emily Rauhala / Taipei
June 18, 2015
Solar Impulse
Readies for Pacific Crossing
Relying entirely on solar power, the aircraft will attempt to travel from China to Hawaii
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
May 25, 2015
Gloria Steinem's North Korea Peace Walk Draws Ire
Remember, the status quo sure ain't working
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
May 21, 2015
China Rushes Aid to Nepal After Deadly Earthquake; Taiwan Is Turned Away
Even with survivors still being pulled from the rubble, geopolitical ramifications loom large
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
April 27, 2015
North Korea's Nukes Are No Joke
The two countries were once as close as lips and teeth, but Beijing is increasingly wary of Pyongyang and Kim Jong Un
By Emily Rauhala
April 24, 2015
Yushu: A Tibetan Town Rebuilt in Beijing's Image
After a massive earthquake destroyed 90% of Yushu's buildings and claimed more than 2,000 lives, the price of recovery has been sacrificing identity
By Emily Rauhala / Yushu
April 14, 2015
Ikea Denies Ban on Sleeping Chinese Customers
They're as comfy as ever
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
April 10, 2015
The Big Test for Chinese Students
Cheating allegations dog Chinese students applying to U.S. colleges—but the reality is more complex
By Emily Rauhala/ Beijing
April 2, 2015
Five Feminists Remain Jailed in China for Activities the Government Supports
The line between dissidence and social activism grows ever murkier
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
March 19, 2015
Fading Hope and Little Help for Families of Flight 370 Passengers
One year on, the relatives of Chinese passengers face plenty of harassment and grief, but few answers
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
March 5, 2015
North Korea Applauds Knife Attack on U.S. Ambassador
The assailant reportedly shouted "South and North Korea should be reunified”
By Emily Rauhala
March 5, 2015
Britain's Prince William Handles China Visit With Polish
Pretty impressive, when you consider the diplomatic line he has to tread
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
March 3, 2015
Viral Video Urges Chinese Parents to Accept Gay Kids
The short film has become a holiday hit in China
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
February 18, 2015
Watch China's Creepy Musical Tribute to Online Censorship
All together now: "The Internet strengthens the country"
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
February 12, 2015
China Hit by Another SAT Cheating Scandal
Another round of tests, another set of allegations of organized cheating in China
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
February 12, 2015
Migrant Scrap Peddlers Eke Out a Living on Beijing's Edge
“These people make the city work,” says Getty photographer Kevin Frayer. “Beijing needs them”
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
February 2, 2015
See China's Internet Dilemma in One Screen Grab
Can the country really hope for entrepreneurial innovation while restricting Internet access?
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
January 27, 2015
Watch This Haunting Film About China's Polluted Air
It's haunting and eerily beautiful
By Emily Rauhala / Beijing
January 22, 2015
What the Pope Gets Wrong About Contraception
It is not the mom of seven who should be scolded for "irresponsibility"
By Emily Rauhala
January 20, 2015
North Korea Defector Changes His Story
Shin Dong-hyuk's story was the basis for the book
Escape From Camp 14
By Emily Rauhala
January 19, 2015
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