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Haley Sweetland Edwards
Haley Sweetland Edwards is the Nation Editor at TIME.
Recent Articles
Eric Cantor's Departure a Bummer for Business Lobby
Lobbying firms representing corporations and industry associations have spent years pouring money into Cantor’s campaigns
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
June 11, 2014
The Clinton Family Business
As partners in Hillary’s political dynasty, Bill and Chelsea bring a lot to the party, as well as some baggage
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
June 10, 2014
Former Obama Tech Czar: "Fast Lanes" Consistent with Net Neutrality
Barack Obama's former top technology advisor at the White House backs a proposal by the Federal Communications Commission to allow online "fast lanes," saying that they can be managed in a way that protects the open Internet for everyone else.
By Zeke J Miller and Haley Sweetland Edwards
May 19, 2014
Obama Backs Away From Net Neutrality Promises
As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama was crystal clear about his commitment to ensuring equal treatment of all online content. Now his position on it is shaky, a shift that comes after months of public debate over the future of the American Internet infrastructure
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
May 15, 2014
The Web Nears a Fast Lane
The FCC voted 3-2 to continue with Chairman Tom Wheeler's 'Open Internet' proposal, which could allow broadband providers to create "fast lanes" by giving faster service to content companies willing and able to pay for the privilege
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
May 15, 2014
Franken: Congress Doesn't Get the Net
Sen. Al Franken has become one of the most outspoken proponents of the proposed regulations, which would require ISPs to treat all Internet traffic the same, and tells TIME his knowledge of 'net neutrality' sets him apart from his congressional colleagues
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
May 11, 2014
Cable Guys Grilled Over Merger
Comcast's top executives endured hours of intense questioning from lawmakers worried a merger with Time Warner Cable will hurt consumers and competition, including from Republicans who might have been expected to back the deal
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
May 8, 2014
Your Broadband Company May Be Holding Your Internet Access Hostage
One of the biggest Internet backbone companies in the world, Level 3, claimed this week that five of the major American consumer broadband providers have been abusing their near-monopoly access to American homes and offices...
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
May 7, 2014
Cable Industry Frets Over Future of Your Television Bundle
Change is coming to the way you watch television, and there will be winners and losers. At the annual cable industry conference, insiders are squirming in their seats.
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
April 30, 2014
Signals Fuzzy In Aereo Case
The justices considered arguments around a tech startup that is capturing free over-the-air broadcast signals and selling them to consumers on the cheap, without paying networks the hefty retransmission fees they get from cable companies
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
April 22, 2014
The Great Comcast vs. Netflix Battle Begins Anew
After months of simmering tensions, the companies go public in their fight over the future of television
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
April 22, 2014
Grandma Hillary Is a Double-Edged Sword in 2016
Chelsea Clinton's announcement Thursday that she's expecting could change her mom's political calculus in 2016 but not necessarily for the better
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
April 18, 2014
Should U.S. Colleges Be Graded by the Government?
The President wants to rate colleges to increase competition and cut student-loan debt. The campus backlash has begun
By Haley Sweetland Edwards
April 17, 2014
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