Upon first glance, these sneakers, while notably stylish, look no different from any other high-end running shoes. The innovation comes once you’re done with them. Instead of throwing the sneakers away, you can return them to Adidas so 100% of each shoe can be reused to create future generations of FUTURECRAFT.LOOP shoes. It took more than seven years of research, including developing new technology to build the shoes out of a single material with no glue or solvent. James Carnes, vice president of global brand strategy at Adidas, says the FUTURECRAFT.LOOP is meant to be a first step to “clean up some of the environmental impact that we create through our massive product creation every year.” But you’ll have to wait to get your hands on them; they’re still in the beta-testing phase, and the tentative schedule for public consumption isn’t until 2021. —Madeleine Carlisle