At first glance, HTC’s VIVE Pro Eye looks like just another high-end virtual-reality headset, much like the ones from game developer Valve or Facebook’s Oculus subsidiary. It’s not the most user-friendly option—it requires a PC and isn’t wireless. But put it on, and you’ll see how the headset (which costs $1,599) is pushing the boundaries of technology. Its advanced eye-tracking feature follows your gaze so accurately, it can be used to navigate and control devices by people with physical disabilities who can’t use hand controllers, and it automatically increases the resolution of whatever you’re looking at using software that mimics the way your eyes actually focus. More immersive features cater to businesses and professionals who want to incorporate VR into their testing, training or manufacturing workflow. It conjures a future where all job training could happen in a headset. —Patrick Lucas Austin
Buy now: HTC Vive Pro Eye