These are independent reviews of the products mentioned, but TIME receives a commission when purchases are made through affiliate links at no additional cost to the purchaser.

Competition has grown stiff since Ecobee debuted the world’s first smart thermostat in 2009, but the Canadian company is still innovating with its new Premium model ($249.99). A luxe-looking redesign, including a touchscreen display 50% larger than its predecessor, is just the start. This thermostat offers air quality monitoring, smart speaker capabilities (which will listen for a smoke alarm when armed), a remote room sensor for managing hot or cold spots, and software that tracks occupancy to conserve energy and save money. Or use it in tandem with Ecobee’s security system (additional hardware and monthly subscription required): if a sensor-equipped door or window is left open for five minutes, your air conditioning will automatically pause.

Buy Now: Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium


Correction Nov. 10

The original version of this story misstated some details about the Ecobee thermostat. It launched in 2009, not 2008, and it listens for a smoke alarm that is deployed, rather than coming with a built-in smoke detector.

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