Andrew Myers for TIME

Clothes for Every Body


In the future, clothes will adapt to people—not the other way around. At least, that’s the promise of ZOZOSUIT, the flagship product from ZOZO, a Japanese retailer. The stretchy black bodysuits are covered in white dots, which enables consumers to make a “3-D scan” of their bodies in the comfort of their own home, via a companion mobile app. Users can then order custom-fit clothes—such as $58 jeans and $22 T-shirts—based on a set of super-specific measurements. “This is a new era,” says ZOZO founder and CEO Yusaku Maezawa, whose larger goal is to do away with fashion’s long-held idea of standardized sizing, which often excludes many body types. Since its launch in Japan in April, ZOZO has shipped over 1 million ZOZOSUITs; now the brand is looking to expand its customization technology into footwear. —Cady Lang

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