This Exists: A Levitating Gin and Tonic

2 minute read

Charlie Harry Francis, a culinary inventor who has brought the world such edible items as zero-calorie mists in flavors like apple pie, lobster and smoked bacon, glowing jellyfish-flavored ice cream, Viagra-flavored frozen desserts, a Popcorn Hairdryer and something called the Soup Washing Machine has turned his attention to making an anti-gravity cocktail.

Francis and his Lick Me I’m Delicious laboratory teamed up with Bristol University ultrasonics expert Bruce Drinkwater to create the floating cocktail and put the Levitron to good use making strong drinks. The machine suspends droplets of very strong alcohol in levitating field formed by supersonic sound waves. (The truly curious can read more here).

Because the droplets simply float in space, there is no glassware necessary to drink the cocktail. Instead, imbibers simply slurp up the floating droplets. Beware, though, a mere four droplets may be enough to get you drunk. “It has to be strong because it is such small quantities of alcohol,” Francis told the Bristol Post.

“So far we have made a levitating gin and tonic at 70 per cent proof and a levitating Bloody Mary cocktail using vodka at 160 per cent proof which will blow your socks off.”

If the cocktails don’t blow your socks off, the machine’s price tag might. It currently costs $48,000 (£30,000) and takes two hours to set up.

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