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Cassie Shortsleeve
Shortsleeve is a contributor for TIME
Recent Articles
Thinking of Visiting a Popular Tourist Destination? Try These More Affordable Alternatives Instead
Six less crowded, less expensive spots that should be at the top of your bucket list, according to experts.
By Cassie Shortsleeve
July 12, 2019
How to Take a Relaxing Vacation Without Stressing About Work
These are independent reviews of the products mentioned, but TIME receives a commission when purchases are made through affiliate links at no additional cost to the purchaser.It’s official: burnout is a real condition. On May...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
June 4, 2019
Is Honey Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
It's good for a cough—but there's more to the story.
By Cassie Shortsleeve
April 16, 2019
‘Fire and Ice’ Vacations Are the Latest Travel Trend. Here’s How to Plan One
Planning a vacation can be stressful. With limited vacation time and infinite destination options, many prospective travelers bear the burden of making the right choices.Luckily, for those who are admittedly indecisive, a new travel trend...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
March 13, 2019
The 11 Best Airports for Layovers, According to Experts
Given the choice, most travelers will opt to fly direct. There are however, times when a layover isn’t a nuisance, but rather an experience in and of itself. While all airports have your run-of-the-mill tarmacs...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
March 6, 2019
Are Raisins Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
Raisins are minimally processed, but they're also high in sugar.
By Cassie Shortsleeve
February 20, 2019
Are Mushrooms Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
The fungi are favorites of nutrition professionals
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January 31, 2019
Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
The orange spuds come out on top
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January 10, 2019
Are Eggs Healthy? Here’s What Experts Say
Plus, the bottom line on yolks
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December 5, 2018
Are Smoothies Healthy? Here’s What the Experts Say
Nutrition in a blender—or nutritional blunder?
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November 14, 2018
Is Granola Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
Watch out for sneaky sugar
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October 29, 2018
The 5 Most Germ-Filled Places In Your Office—And How to Protect Yourself
These spots harbor more bacteria than you think
By Cassie Shortsleeve
October 19, 2018
Are Sunflower Seeds Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
They beat chia and flax seeds in many ways
By Cassie Shortsleeve
October 17, 2018
How to Tell If Someone Is Manipulating You—And What to Do About It
If you’ve ever felt like something is off in a close relationship or casual encounter—you’re being pressured, controlled or even feel like you’re questioning yourself more than usual—it could be manipulation.“Manipulation is an emotionally unhealthy...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
October 16, 2018
Honesty Isn't Always the Best Policy in Relationships. Here's When Experts Say It Might Be Better to Lie
You were probably taught to never lie: Your parents likely preached the power of the truth. Your partner told you honesty matters most.But researchers say there is a lot we get wrong about deception, truth-telling...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
October 2, 2018
Are Pistachios Healthy? Here's What Experts Say
They're high in fat—but there's more to the story.
By Cassie Shortsleeve
September 20, 2018
5 Science-Approved Ways to Break a Bad Habit
Having habits can often be a good thing. When you drive to work for example, you don’t need to wonder whether you should turn left or right; the route becomes habit.“We want the brain to...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
August 28, 2018
How to Make the Best First Impression, According to Experts
Everyone can make snap judgments, especially when meeting someone new.In less than one-tenth of a second of seeing someone for the first time, our brain processes information about the person’s face—which leads to quick conclusions...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
August 28, 2018
Is Guacamole Healthy? Here's What the Experts Say
Listen up, avocado lovers
By Cassie Shortsleeve
August 22, 2018
How Sleep Affects Your Relationships, According to Science
In a properly functioning body, sleep helps the brain process your emotions and memories from the day. You wake up well-rested with enough mental space to both create and log new memories and work through...
By Cassie Shortsleeve
August 3, 2018
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