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Unapologetic Child Has All the Answers About the Jacket That’s Clearly Not Hers in This Hilarious Interrogation Video

3 minute read

Children on the internet are revered for their enviable superpower to make their cases for all kinds of mischief, something that was fully on unapologetic display in this recent cute kid video to go viral on Twitter once her aunt shared it.

In a video snippet captured by her parents, the smooth child “Mila” answers her father’s many, many questions when his young daughter who came home dressed in a Nike jacket no one had ever purchased her — and boy did she have answers.

“Where did you buy it from?” he asks.

Her response: “from the jacket store.”

His follow-up: “How much did you pay for?”

Her reasonable response: “5.” Acceptable? Not quite.

“5 what?” he presses.

Her: 5 money’s.

It all checks out! However legitimate, her father was unsatisfied. And so he puts her through the paces with even more questions.

It appears he was onto pint-sized Mila, and because the internet never met a lighthearted theft it didn’t like, the video has made the rounds where people are celebrating her sly answers.

The family plans to return the jacket but Mila is not exactly on board with that resolution, to say the least. In fact, she’s pretty upset about it and launches a perfectly reasonable protest.

The newly anointed internet-famous jacket switcher was so adorable that some people online seem ready to hire her as their legal representation to explain other missteps in their lives.

Obviously there were a lot of talking points including the color, but none seemed more popular than the fair price Mila had paid. Sure, it’s not her jacket. But then how did she answer so quickly with “five monies.”

“SHE PAID FIVE MONIES FOR IT, CONNOR CAN GET A NEW ONE,” someone tweeted. “I’m gonna be saying Five monies for a week,” another responded. “Five monies,” is one of many talking points.

Resources for jobless children are limited, but there’s no denying she was able to cough up five monies at the jacket store.

You can see how the antics and the line of questioning plays out below.

The Twitter account did not immediately respond to TIME’s request for comment about the video.

A follow-up tweet revealed the jacket was returned to its rightful owner.

You down with O.P.P.? Not this fam-i-ly.

As for the mother of the true owner of the jacket, she thought it was hilarious.

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