Behind President Trump’s Supreme Court Win

5 minute read

President Trump’s travel ban will get its day before the Supreme Court this fall—and some key parts of it are being allowed to take effect. In an unsigned ruling Monday, the Court announced it would hear the case next term, and overruled in part lower courts’ injunctions on the implementation of the ban on visa issuances to citizens of six Muslim-majority countries. The Supreme Court’s opinion allows the ban to take effect “with respect to foreign nationals who lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.” People who do have such relationships would still be allowed to travel to the U.S. The initial and follow-on executive orders listed 120- and 90-day wait period for the travel and refugee bans to allow the Administration to prepare “extreme vetting” measures—deadlines that have both passed without significant action. Trump hailed the decision in a statement: “Today’s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security. It allows the travel suspension for the six terror-prone countries and the refugee suspension to become largely effective.”

Senate Republicans are struggling to cobble together 50 votes for their healthcare bill, making some significant tweaks as they look to win over members who are on the bubble. The GOP can only afford to lose two votes—and the list of skeptical lawmakers is substantially longer. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to take the bill up this week, not least so that he can move on to other GOP agenda items.

Trump took to Twitter Monday to criticize his predecessor’s response to Russian attempts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Amid growing bipartisan criticism of President Barack Obama’s decision to remain quiet on the Russia efforts, in fear of being seen as trying to interfere in the political process, Trump’s attack is politically expedient. But given Trump’s own challenge of accepting even the basic premise of Russian efforts to interfere, he might not be the best messenger.

Tillerson’s falling out. Ivanka tries to stay out of politics. And Trump’s political arm goes after the GOP.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Supreme Court Allows Travel Ban to Go Into Effect While It Hears Case
Trump hails as “clear victory” [TIME]

Senate Leaders Try to Appease Members as Support for Health Bill Slips
Last-minute give-aways possible [New York Times]

Trump Eager for Big Meeting With Putin; Some Advisers Wary
Political, foreign policy concerns could stop formal meeting [Associated Press]

Senate Republicans Skeptical Obamacare Repeal Can Pass This Week
Senate GOP leaders face problems from seemingly every corner of the conference [Politico]

Where Trump Zigs, Tillerson Zags
Putting him at odds with White House [New York Times]

Kushner Firm’s $285 Million Deutsche Bank Loan Came Just Before Election Day
Trump’s senior adviser says he will recuse himself from matters involving the lender [Washington Post]

Sound Off

“He used my term, mean. That was my term because I want to see – and I speak from the heart, that’s what I want to see. I want to see a bill with heart.” — President Trump confirming in an interview with Fox that he had called the House GOP healthcare bill “mean”

“One of the things that should be solved, but it probably won’t be, is that the Republicans and Democrats don’t get together. And I’m open arms; but, I don’t see that happening. They fight each other. The level of hostility. In other words, this isn’t just Trump, this has been like this for years. You’ve been doing this for a long time, it’s been like that for a long time. But the level of hostility – as an example, the healthcare bill that you are reporting on and that everybody’s reporting on.” — Trump to Fox on his challenges in office

Bits and Bites

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Is Going Home To Russia [BuzzFeed]

You’re a foreign government and want to get the U.S. government’s ear. What to do? [LA Times]

Kellyanne Conway Says the Senate Health Care Bill Doesn’t Cut Medicaid. That’s Not True [TIME]

President Trump Thinks the Senate Health Care Bill Is ‘Mean.’ But He Still Supports It [TIME]

CBO score sure to add to McConnell’s headaches [Politico]

Senate Investigating Loretta Lynch’s Alleged Interference in Hillary Clinton Email Probe [TIME]

‘The Problem Is the Senate Screwed Up.’ House Stalls Russia-Iran Sanctions Bill [Associated Press]

The Supreme Court Will Hear From a Baker Who Refused to Make a Wedding Cake for a Gay Couple [Associated Press]

Trump political arm to GOP: Get in line [Politico]

Ivanka Trump Says She Tries to ‘Stay Out of Politics’ [TIME]

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