• Politics

How President Trump Lost the CEO’s

4 minute read

After the weekend’s violence in Charlottesville and President Trump’s much-criticized press conference on it, TIME presents a special report this week on “Hate in America.”

Trump’s comments Tuesday cost him the support of a range of CEOs who disbanded a pair of advisory councils amid a growing realization that they could not publicly associate with the president. Trump responded on Twitter after the decision had been made, but before it had been made public, that he was ending the councils. Call it a case of, “You can’t quit, you’re fired!”

Embattled White House chief strategist Steve Bannon had his Mooch moment Wednesday, as The American Prospect released incendiary quotes from a phone interview critical of his fellow West Wing aides and laying out his foreign policy vision. For Bannon, it couldn’t have come at a less opportune time, as his position within the administration has grown tenuous after his clashes with Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, and H.R. McMaster. White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has discussed Bannon’s removal from the White House—or at least curtailing his role. Before the interview was released, Bannon still appeared to have the backing of Trump, who has relied on his controversial aide’s counsel at times of trial. Trump’s comments on Charlottesville Tuesday, in which he defended associates of extremist groups, drew plaudits from Bannon, even as other aides were ashamed.

Some White House aides talk about heading for the exits. Most Republicans are still silent on Trump. And Trump keeps digging on monuments.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Will the Nation Succeed After Charlottesville Where Donald Trump Failed?
TIME’s Nancy Gibbs on the challenge for the nation

Bigots Get a Boost From the Bully Pulpit
TIME’s Alex Altman and Michael Scherer on how Trump emboldened extremists

Steve Bannon, Unrepentant
Trump’s embattled strategist phones, unbidden, to opine on China, Korea, and his enemies in the administration [The American Prospect]

Trump’s Penchant for Chaos Brings Less World Order
TIME’s Karl Vick on Trump’s make-it-up-as-you-go foreign policy

Republicans Condemn ‘Hate and Bigotry’ But Don’t Mention President Trump
Party still beholden to its standard-bearer [Associated Press]

Trump’s Crisis Spurs Talk of White House Departures
But still no one has left [Reuters]

Undocumented Immigrants May Get Less Time to Make Their Case
TIME’s Tessa Berenson on how the judicial system is cracking down on people in the U.S. illegally

President Trump’s Strategy Council of CEOs Just Disbanded
You can’t quit, you’re fired, Trump says [Bloomberg]

Sound Off

“That’s a fight I fight every day here. We’re still fighting. There’s Treasury and [National Economic Council chair] Gary Cohn and Goldman Sachs lobbying.” — Steve Bannon to The American Prospect

“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can’t change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson – who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!” — President Trump in a Thursday morning tweet-storm.

Bits and Bites

Behind TIME’s ‘Hate in America’ Cover [TIME]

Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric [New York Times]

Steve Bannon Mocks Opponents: ‘They’re Wetting Themselves’ [TIME]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Blasts Chicago in Sanctuary Cities Speech [TIME]

Donald Trump Calls Out ‘Publicity Seeking’ Lindsey Graham Over Charlottesville Jabs [TIME]

Phoenix Mayor is Not Happy That Trump is Holding a Rally There Next Week [Associated Press]

Steve Bannon: ‘There’s No Military Solution’ to North Korea [TIME]

House Homeland Security Committee Will Hold Hearing on Domestic Terrorism After Charlottesville [TIME]

The FBI Really Loved James Comey, According to an Internal Survey [Associated Press]

Here’s Why Robert E. Lee Opposed Putting Up Confederate Monuments [TIME]

Top Military Leaders Who Advise President Trump Speak Out Against Racism [TIME]

Both Presidents Bush Condemn Hatred a Day After Trump’s Press Conference [TIME]


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