Nolwen Cifuentes—Redux

I always knew Brazil had a queen in Anitta. We have a lot in common—like me, she’s self-made. We met on Instagram and started talking, and I realized we share another quality: we don’t let anyone else do our jobs. We like to do everything ourselves.

Anitta’s a true hustler who turned her movement into an empire. She took the sound of Brazil—funk music, which is like our reggaeton—and took it to another level so the sounds are for everyone. She represents mi gente, el pueblo, las masas, the dreamers, the hustlers. And through her music, she’s opened doors for others—not just to be an artist, but to be what they want to be. She gives hope to the ones that didn’t think they could make it.

Behind her superhero-like facade is a real, sensitive human being who gives so much to people. I want people to connect with the amazing human being behind the great music. She’s got enough talent to keep conquering the world.

Balvin is a Grammy-nominated musical artist

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