Watch: The Year in Climate

2 minute read

In 2021, the devastation of the planet increasingly demanded our attention. At TIME, we covered extended droughts, record-breaking hurricanes and unprecedented wildfires. Here is a selection of some of our most thought-provoking climate videos of the year.

The Enduring Hope of Jane Goodall

The environmentalist spoke to TIME about her new book, life during the pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis. As Ciara Nugent writes, Goodall’s quiet determination powered her through a lifetime of activism. In this video, Goodall argues that hope—which she makes it her mission to spread—is nothing short of necessary for the survival of humanity.

Generation Now: The Fight for Climate Action

Today’s young people are coming of age just as the stable climate that has allowed previous generations to thrive on our planet begins to visibly break down—and just before our last chance to stop it falls out of reach. This documentary takes viewers through the history of youth climate activism.

John Kerry Is Bringing America Back Into the Climate Fight

Despite years of setbacks in climate policy, John Kerry responds to every question with optimism that reason will prevail, according to Justin Worland, who interviewed Kerry for a cover profile. “I’ve always believed in diplomacy,” Kerry says. “I believe in the ability of people to sit down and try to work reasonably together.”

The Cow That Could Feed the Planet

Mosa Meats, which launched the first lab-grown burger in 2013, is in a race to make an affordable alternative to beef patties. TIME was given an exclusive look into their labs and manufacturing process.

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