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Aspiring Young Rapper’s Song About Her Hamster Fluffy Contains Multitudes

2 minute read

One girl’s rap about her hamster, her cat and her crush has truly taken the art form to another level.

Emily Flake, a cartoonist for The New Yorker magazine, shared her daughter’s rap on Monday. “My child has started writing raps,” she said, “and while I love her and applaud this development I wonder if she lacks the years of life experience the form demands.”

The rap, edited for spelling, is as follows:

“I have a pet hamster named fluffy; she’s not that puffy; I used to have a pet cat named Penny; and I have a crush on somebody named Benny; I like to rap; I got water from the tap.”

The makings of a rap star? Present. In a subsequent tweet, Flake said, “I mean, it’s got love, loss, and beverages, the basic building blocks are there.”

Many quickly took to Twitter to congratulate Flake on her daughter’s ingenuity, amazed by her words.

“If you told me these were the lyrics to a new Post Malone song I would definitely believe you,” said one user.

Some others replied with the rap and poetry portfolios of their own children, too.

The children are our future, clearly.

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Write to Rachel E. Greenspan at rachel.greenspan@time.com