Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler Reunite to Ask James Comey, ‘Really!?!’

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Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler reunited on Late Night with Seth Meyers to revive their popular Saturday Night Live Weekend Update segment, “Really!?!” to rib former F.B.I director James Comey.

Comey had implored Democrats earlier to remain moderate in a recent tweet that read: “Democrats, please, please don’t lose your minds and rush to the socialist left,” he wrote. “This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. America’s great middle wants sensible, balanced, ethical leadership.”

As might be expected, many people, including Meyers and Poehler, had feelings about Comey’s advice.

“Really, James Comey? You want to weigh in on things when there’s an election coming up? You feel like that’s gone well for you in the past?” Meyers said in the opening of the segment. “That’s like Michael Jordan saying, ‘I think I’m gonna take another shot at baseball.’ I mean, really.”

Poehler upped the ante by insinuating that Comey’s announcement that he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s e-mails influenced the outcome of the 2016 election.

“Really, James Comey? You’re worried the Democrats are gonna move too far to the left?” Poehler said. “Really? I don’t know if you remember, but we were just about to have a nice, boring, moderate Democrat for a president until you decided to open your mouth a week before the election, you big, dumb scarecrow! Really! And as far as I’m concerned, the Democrats can vote for a bong in the shape of Che Guevara, and you’ve got nothing to say about it. Really!”

Poehler and Meyers then outlined many of the policies of the Trump administration, including families being separated at the border and President Trump’s relations with Vladimir Putin, while asking Comey if he had considered why Democrats might be losing their minds.

Poehler then closed the segment with one final reprimand for Comey.

“James, I get it. You feel guilty and you don’t want history to remember you as the guy who opened the door for the death of democracy. I don’t blame you. Really. But the idea of you playing adviser to the Democratic Party is kind of like the iceberg trying to join the crew of the Titanic.”

See Comey’s tweet below and watch the full segment above.

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