What President Trump’s Paris Decision Means

3 minute read

President Trump is telling aides he is ready to pull out of the Paris climate deal, officials tell TIME, but the White House is still working out the details. Especially in this Administration, nothing is final until everything is final, but the move in that direction is sending shockwaves around the world. Democrats and even some Republicans at home are condemning the apparent decision, believing the agreement to be the best hope of preventing climate change. Global leaders, who pressured Trump on his foreign trip, are frustrated that their efforts fell on deaf ears. For Trump this has been about fulfilling a core campaign pledge, while implementing his “America First” foreign policy. Inside the West Wing, it marks a defeat for Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, along with several Cabinet officials who pushed Trump to remain in the accord.

Comedian Kathy Griffin posted a photo of herself posing with a bloodied and decapitated mold of Trump’s head, sparking widespread outrage and condemnation. It came hours before a man was arrested near the Trump Hotel in Washington on weapons charges, and amid a spike in threats against the president, a Secret Service official said.

The president is once again lashing out against the “witch hunt” Russia investigation, as congressional committees roll out subpoenas and invitations to testify.

Trump’s cell phone diplomacy. Trump is running out of time to implement his legislative agenda. And Covfefe.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

President Trump Is Expected to Withdraw From the Paris Climate Agreement
Despite pleas from global leaders [TIME]

Trump’s Cellphone Diplomacy Raises Security Concerns
He’s been giving out his number to world leaders [Associated Press]

Trump’s Window for Scoring Early Legislative Victories Is Shrinking
He’s running out of political capital — and time [Washington Post]

As Trump Weighs Shake-Up, He Faces Recruiting Challenge
With more exits possible, there are few interested in going in [New York Times]

Russia Probe Scares Off Potential Appointees
The growing scandal is giving some candidates cold feet — and distracting aides from finding new recruits [Politico]

Mike Flynn’s Pro-Turkey Work: An Unfinished Documentary to Boost Country’s Image
Unseen film footage appears to represent the core of the Flynn Intel Group’s $530,000 work on behalf of Turkey [Wall Street Journal]

Sound Off

“You’re asking if he approved of an action that is not a confirmed action” — White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on whether President Trump approved of Jared Kushner’s calls for a backchannel with Russia

“Ultimately he wants a fair deal for the American people and he will have an announcement coming on that shortly.” — Spicer on the Paris climate agreement

Bits and Bites

Arrested, missing China activists spark criticism of Trump [Associated Press]

Flynn agrees to provide some requested documents [Associated Press]

Angela Merkel Says U.S. Ties Are of ‘Outstanding Importance’ But Europe Must Decide Its Own Fate [TIME]

Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Says He Will Testify If Subpoenaed by Congress [TIME]

Kathy Griffin Apologizes for Photo of Severed Trump Head [Associated Press]

Iowa’s Republican Senators Say Obamacare Repeal Unlikely: ‘You Can’t Repeal It in Its Entirety’ [Associated Press]

‘Even the Good Hombres Are Not Safe:’ Federal Judge Slams President Trump’s Immigration Policy [TIME]

White House Blasts ‘Fake News,’ Won’t Answer Questions on Jared Kushner [TIME]

Trump on NATO funding: Still misleading after months of fact checks [Washington Post]

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