Watch Trevor Noah Bid Farewell to ‘Sith Lord of Cable News’ Bill O’Reilly

2 minute read

In the wake of Bill O’Reilly’s getting ousted from Fox News, Trevor Noah took some time to give the talk show host the send-off he felt he deserved. During Wednesday night’s episode of The Daily Show, Noah took a look back at what he considers the highlights of O’Reilly’s 20-year career at Fox.

“You may not know this, but Bill O’Reilly was the biggest figure in the history of cable news. At one point, no one even came close, because they were afraid that he might sexually harass them,” he said, referencing the accusations of sexual harassment against O’Reilly that 21st Century Fox cited as the reason for his departure, which O’Reilly has brushed off explaining he is “vulnerable to lawsuits.”

Noah even found a way to work a Star Wars metaphor into his analysis of the conservative pundit. “Bill O’Reilly wasn’t just a famous news man. You know all that anger and victimhood you hear from Trump voters? A lot of that started with him,” he said. “A lot of people said that Jon Stewart was the Yoda of cable news. Well, Bill O’Reilly was the Sith Lord…And you know what they say about the Sith: there is much anger on the dark side.”

Watch the full clip below.

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