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  • Kansas

Kansas Archdiocese: Girl Scouts Aren’t a ‘Compatible Partner’ to Help ‘Form Young Women With Virtues’

2 minute read

The Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan. has decided to “transition” away from the Girl Scouts of America, saying they are no longer a “compatible partner.”

“With the promotion by Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) of programs and materials reflective of many of the troubling trends in our secular culture, they are no longer a compatible partner in helping us form young women with the virtues and values of the Gospel,” Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann said in a statement.

Naumann cited GSUSA’s work with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts as a reason for the split because the organization donates money to Planned Parenthood.

GSUSA itself does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood and has no stance on human sexuality, birth control or abortion, according to the organization’s website.

Naumann’s statement said they also took issue with the organization allegedly citing feminist activists Margaret Sanger, Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem “as role models” as they advocate for legislation regarding abortion and contraception rights.

A GSUSA spokesperson said in a statement that the organization is “focused on developing the potential for leadership in all girls” and noted that they are proud of their work with the Catholic Church.

“GSUSA established a positive relationship with the highest leadership of the Catholic Church to benefit and support Catholic Girl Scouts throughout the country,” a GSUSA spokesperson said. “Unfortunately, a few individuals within the Catholic church have chosen to perpetuate misinformation that the Catholic Church leadership has acknowledged to be false.”

The Archdiocese is asking that members transition toward joining and forming American Heritage Girl troops, a Christian-based girls organization with troops throughout the country.

Patti Garibay, national executive director and founder of AHG, responded to the news positively.

“We are pleased Archbishop Naumann has named us as a preferred option for girls in his Archdiocese,” Garibay said. “We are looking forward to helping girls in his Archdiocese navigate girlhood and young womanhood.”

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