“People like to say that we’re insane/ AI will reward us when it reigns,” sang the indie pop star Grimes on her 2018 single “We Appreciate Power.” While some fans assumed that she was being flippant, the Canadian musician has only doubled down in her devotion to potential future AI overlords, and asserted herself as one of the most tech-forward voices in mainstream pop culture. She has created AI songs, lullabies, visual art, and even an AI chatbot of herself.

Illustration by TIME; reference image: Robyn Beck—AFP/Getty Images

This year, Grimes, whose real name is Claire Boucher, unveiled an AI software, Elf.Tech, that allows other people to sing through her voice, and encouraged musicians to release songs using it, provided that they split royalties with her. Grimes liked some of the songs so much that her reaction to them was “Oh, sick, I might get to live forever,” she told Wired. While other musicians fiercely protect their likeness and intellectual property, Grimes has said she is trying to “open-source” her identity: to essentially relinquish herself to the public. In the coming years, Grimes says she hopes to create an album in which the “AI-hive-mind-collective Grimes and the real Grimes face off.”

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