Seventeen-year-old Ellie lives in a world that closely resembles our own, hers just happens to involve monsters, vampires and ghost dogs. Though the protagonist of Darcie Little Badger’s debut novel is in every way a normal teenager—she loves comic books, ice cream and spending time with her friends—she has also inherited a special skill that has been passed down for generations in her Lipan Apache family. Ellie can summon the ghosts of animals. When her cousin is murdered, Ellie must rely on this magic to help find the answers her family desperately needs. While many fantasy stories center on a character’s solo journey to discover whatever they’re looking for, Ellie’s quest is about others. She is buoyed by the support of her family and friends, whose love for her is a palpable undercurrent throughout Elatsoe—and it’s that love that propels the young heroine to seek justice for her cousin’s mysterious death. —Annabel Gutterman

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