Sugary Drinks in California Could Come With a Warning Label

1 minute read

A first-of-its kind bill in California proposes to force sugary sweet drinks to carry warning labels for possible side effects like obesity and diabetes.

The bill, which is backed by nutrition groups, was introduced on Thursday by Senator Bill Monning. Drinks with added sugar that have 75 calories or more per 12 ounces would have to carry a label that states “State of California Safety Warning: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.”

This isn’t the first attempt to take legal action against sugary drinks. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg tried to ban large sugary drinks in 2012 before it was ruled unconstitutional, and San Francisco is also working to impose a two-cent tax on sugary beverages.

The new bill is expected to encounter heavy opposition from the Beverage Industry.


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