Alon-Lee Green and Rula Daood

1 minute read

If discourse surrounding the war in Gaza has been divided into two categories—pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian—then Alon-Lee Green and Rula Daood inhabit the space in between. A Jewish Israeli and a Palestinian citizen of Israel, respectively, they serve as national co-directors of Standing Together, Israel’s largest Arab-Jewish grassroots movement, which opposes the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, and advocates for peace, equality, and justice for everyone living between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea.Before Oct. 7, Standing Together was known for its efforts opposing Israel’s contentious judicial overhaul. Since then, however, it has focused on Arab-Jewish solidarity and ensuring that Gaza-bound aid convoys aren’t obstructed by Israeli extremists—work that has been met with harassment and threats. As difficult as recent months have been, they believe this moment underscores the importance of their work. “Crisis can give you clarity,” Green says.

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