KFC Is Reintroducing a Sandwich That Replaces Bread With Fried Chicken

2 minute read

Maybe KFC felt like it didn’t go far enough by bestowing a $20 fried chicken prom corsage upon the world earlier this week. Wednesday, the fast food chain announced that is bringing back the Double Down starting April 21.

To the uninitiated (way to keep those arteries unclogged, guys!), the Double Down is a sandwich that replaces bread with fried chicken, used to hold together an assortment of bacon and cheese. Although the item has been in and out of stores since its 2010 premiere, now is the obvious time to bring it back. Why? Because the internet is currently facilitating American consumers’ slow overdose on viral food hybrids. Taco Bell uses both Doritos and waffles in place of taco shells. McDonald’s has new ads for it’s pancake breakfast sandwich. Dominos announced a fried chicken crusted pizza Monday. (Pizza Hut Middle East stuffed chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers into its pizza crust in 2012, so we’re slightly underwhelmed.)

Can the Double Down stand tall in among its Twitter-friendly “food” hybrid counterparts? Maybe it can make a compelling SnapChat campaign to convince us. According to USA Today, the tagline has been dubbed “Double Down Dare”… so we’ve been warned.

Sidenote: If you want more information on what the Double Down is actually like, here’s TIME’s Joel Stein chowing down when it was first released:

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