• Press Room

TIME Announces New Editorial Hires and Promotions

6 minute read

TIME Deputy Editor Sam Jacobs sent the following note to staff Thursday:

Team TIME,

Following up on Thursday’s town hall, where we announced new employees from throughout the company, we’re happy to welcome formally five people who have joined our editorial ranks in recent months, and to recognize a number of promotions and new roles for our current staff.

Paulina Cachero joined in May as Editorial Producer. She was previously a news writer at Business Insider and Makers/Yahoo. She graduated from the USC Annenberg School for Journalism, where she earned first place for excellence in student religion reporting by the Religion News Association. Paulina is based in New York.

Mariah Espada joined in June as an Emma Bowen Foundation Fellow in research and fact-checking. Mariah graduated from American University in May after internships at CNN, CBS, Fox News and VOA, and is based in Washington D.C.

Amy Gunia joined the staff as a Reporter in March after starting in Feb. 2019 as a fellow in our Hong Kong bureau. She was previously in finance and studied economics and international relations at Boston University.

Soo Jin Kim joined in February as an Associate Audience Engagement Editor in Hong Kong. She was previously the digital content manager for STYLE magazine at the South China Morning Post, leading its social media strategy.

Simmone Shah came to TIME in August as an Emma Bowen Foundation Fellow in research and fact-checking. She graduated from Barnard and previously interned at the Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal and Elle. Simmone is currently living in Fremont, California.

We are also happy to announce the following promotions and new roles for our current staff.

Charlotte Alter becomes a Senior Correspondent. Charlotte will continue to report on Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, grassroots political movements and young voters, among other critical pieces of our political coverage.

Deputy International Editor Naina Bajekal takes on an additional role as Editorial Director, Newsroom Development. In her new role, Naina is working with senior editorial leadership to foster stronger communication, chart clear pathways for career advancement and oversee editorial training. She continues to work from London with the international team.

Kim Bubello becomes a Photo Editor. Kim will play a key role in creating compelling visuals for digital projects, leading digital photo training and also expand into assigning more original commissions for feature stories, with a focus on domestic news and politics.

Lucy Feldman becomes a Senior Editor. In her new role, she will edit reported pieces, personal essays and profiles, with a focus on bringing in fresh perspectives, and will help shape our coverage of identity and equality. Lucy will also continue to oversee our Books coverage.

Mahita Gajanan becomes an Associate Editor. Since joining as a reporter in 2016, Mahita has become an integral part of our daily breaking news and culture coverage. She’ll now contribute to those areas as an editor.

Joey Lautrup becomes a Producer on the video team. In his new role, Joey will continue to push the video team’s work forward with his reporting, producing and by leading the expansion of TIME’s presence on Youtube.

Julia Lull becomes a Senior Producer on the video team. Julia continues to lead the team in innovative ways as she films everywhere from hospitals to the halls of government.

Kara Milstein becomes a Photo Editor. Kara’s role will involve working closely with editors and reporters in order to curate or commission the best possible visual solution for print and digital feature stories. Kara will focus on photo editing for Ideas pieces, features on social justice issues, and longer-term visual storytelling.

Elizabeth Murray becomes Assistant Managing Editor, News Strategy. In this new role, she’ll work with teams across the newsroom to generate and execute high-impact stories and projects, as well as work on training, editorial standards and develop new opportunities for collaboration. She’ll be responsible for coordinating editorial coverage of big events, working across platforms. She’ll continue to manage a team who are charged with the homepage and other news-gathering functions.

Dilys Ng becomes Senior Photo Editor. For the past three years, Dilys has been the photo lead for TIME 100 and contributed to many of TIME’s major franchises including Next Generation Leaders, the Fall Culture issue, and Person of the Year. In her new role, she will evolve existing franchises and work to conceive fresh visual approaches for new projects.

Mandy Oaklander becomes a Senior Editor. Mandy was the editorial lead launching the TIME for Health digital magazine this summer as well as programming co-lead of the TIME for Health talks this year, and will continue to manage and help grow these two products, as well as continuing to run the successful Health point-of-care series.

Alice Park becomes a Senior Correspondent. In addition to her reporting on the cutting edge of COVID-19 research, Alice has played a key role in our expansion into live and virtual events, co-chairing our first TIME 100 Health summit and interviewing leading newsmakers in science and medicine for TIME 100 Talks. She will continue both in this position, while working alongside the rest of the health team to cover the global pandemic.

Erica Solano becomes an Associate Producer. Erica has been instrumental in making TIME Video more efficient since joining us in 2017 as a production coordinator. Now, after recently co-producing the #Reckoning video, she will focus fully on producing, shooting and editing great videos for TIME.

Justin Worland becomes a Senior Correspondent. In his new role, Justin will continue to cover climate and global environmental policy, while expanding his net to include the rich intersection between policy, politics and society.

We also want to note changing roles and responsibilities for several reporters and editors across the newsroom.

Raisa Bruner will now report to Senior Editor Emma Barker with a focus on youth, culture and business trends. She will continue to work with Dan Macsai and his team on TIME 100 Talks, where she has been instrumental in pitching, booking and interviewing guests.

News Editor Peter Allen Clark will switch from nights and weekends to daytime, managing Editorial Producers Paulina Cachero and Nadia Suleman and overseeing the homepage. He’ll also manage reporter Megan McCluskey while helping to shape our coverage of internet culture. That team will report to Elizabeth Murray.

Senior Editor Alex Fitzpatrick is now leading a team of five, Patrick Austin, Emily Barone, Alejandro de la Garza, Tara Law and Chris Wilson, covering tech, science, health and data-driven journalism. That team reports to Senior Editor Elijah Wolfson, who will also continue to oversee health and science reporters and editors Jamie Ducharme, Jeffrey Kluger, Mandy Oaklander and Alice Park.

News Editor Alex Rees will take on new responsibility in the magazine, editing The Brief, while managing two reporters, Josiah Bates and Madeleine Carlisle. That team reports to Senior Editor Lily Rothman, who also oversees two additional reporters, Cady Lang and Olivia Waxman, reporting on topics including history, equality and internet culture.

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