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Gifted Kid Aces Talent Show By Turning Drawing a Perfect Circle Into a Spectacular Performance

1 minute read

The ability to draw a perfect circle, unassisted and on-demand, may seem trivial or unpractical, but it certainly came in handy for a young student whose dramatic demonstration of this quirky skill earned him plenty of applause at his school’s talent show.

In a video clip shared to Reddit, the young man turns his circle drawing into an epic piece of performance art; he flexes and stretches to music on the stage alongside some assistants for a good amount of time before beginning his drawing on a white board. Once he begins his drawing, he does so with a flourish, completing a perfect circle in one smooth swoop. However, the best part of the performance comes after he finishes drawing his perfect circle and one of his assistants feigns awe so great that they faint and need to be carried off the stage.

Watch a perfect circle get drawn with aplomb below.

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com