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The Girl Scout Whose Masterful ‘Money’ Remix Went Viral Still Wants Cardi B to Buy the Cookies

2 minute read

Cardi B’s banger “Money” got a viral update earlier this week when an innovative Girl Scout remixed it to help sell her cookies. Ten-year-old Kiki Paschall from California met her sales goal after her cookie-themed cover of “Money” was posted on the official Girl Scouts Twitter account, garnering almost 27,000 retweets and earning reposts from Cardi herself.

Paschall told TIME that she was inspired to make a remix after seeing others remix Cardi’s popular song.

“I love making music videos and I thought this would be a cool, fun way to get the word out that I’m selling cookies and to sell cookies faster,” she said.

Although Paschall met her sales goal, she’s still selling Girl Scout cookies, which will help all 64 of the girls in her troop toward their raising $40,000 to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.

In the future, Paschall hopes that she’ll be singing, dancing and writing, something she feels hopeful about because “after this experience, I know all these things are possible.”

Paschall was impressed with Cardi reposting her video, but she does have one request for the Bronx rapper.

“It was so cool that she retweeted my video. I was so amazed by that because it was really, really, really, really, really, really cool,” she said. “Still waiting for her to buy cookies from me.”

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com