Stephen Colbert Obliterates Alex Jones With His Rant Impression

2 minute read

“Folks, there was some bad news recently for extreme right-wing conspiracy theorist and bath salts spokesmodel, Alex Jones,” Stephen Colbert told The Late Show audience on Tuesday night. “It looks like his website Infowars just lost their war on info.”

Colbert was referring to the news that tech companies and social media sites have decided to either ban or pull content from Infowars and Jones from their sites. Apple, Spotify, and Sticher removed his podcasts, YouTube cancelled his channel and pulled videos, and Facebook shut down several Pages that Jones and Infowars ran on the network. The decision was made because the conspiracy theories and vitriol that populated Jones’s videos violated the tech companies’ community standards. According to Colbert, Pinterest has even pulled Jones’s pages (“Bad news if you were planning an autumn wedding with the theme ‘gay frog chemtrails’,” Colbert said) leaving Twitter as the sole social media site giving Jones a platform.

“Now if you want to see one of Jones’s signature rants, you’ll have to be in the next booth at Ruby Tuesday’s when he sees a mother breastfeeding,” Colbert said.

To further stick it to Jones, Colbert revived his character Tuck Buckford, the host of a fictional TV show called Brain Fight. The Jones-inspired character has apparently been dealing with “similar struggles” and was grappling with his new reality in the face of his social media “martyrdom.”

“If they can de-platform Tuck Buckford, next thing you know they’ll be coming after me for so-called child support which I ‘owe’ to my ‘ex-wife’ who I ‘miss desperately,’” Colbert said as Buckford, adding, “President Trump, I need you to do the right thing, all right? Help Tuck. Venmo me fifty bucks, or China will win the midterms.”

Watch the full video below.

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