Holy Guacamole: You’ve Never Seen Avocados Like This

1 minute read

For a certain subset of the Reddit population, Tuesday is better known as Topless Tuesday, which is exactly as NSFW as it sounds.

But the parody Reddit thread Avocados Gone Wild epitomizes the phrase “food porn” and gives Topless Tuesday a new, much more innocent meaning. While browsing photos of these delicious-looking meals that have raunchy titles like “lubricant” and “messy” and “jailbait”, your imagination is your own worst enemy. A plate with a whole avocado next to a chicken illustrates “spreading with a hot chick”, while an open-faced sandwich topped with avocado slices illustrates “being on top.”

Below are a few recent examples:

“I know the guys in this band, so I modeled for their (a)lbumcover. I like showing off my body ;)”:

“I know you want me.. ;)”

“Open and ready to be take in the kitchen”

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