‘Melania Trump’ Reveals the Hidden Messages in Her Wardrobe to Stephen Colbert

2 minute read

Melania Trump’s controversial decision to wear a Zara jacket emblazoned with the words, “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” as she boarded her plane to Texas captured the attention of the nation, with many critiquing her for being “tone deaf” to the real-life consequences of the political policies of her husband’s administration.

This isn’t the first time that Melania’s fashion choices have stirred up controversy, and Stephen Colbert thinks that’s no coincidence. In a segment on his show on Tuesday, Colbert interviewed “FLOTUS” as portrayed by Laura Benanti, during which “Melania” denied that her jacket intentionally sent a “callous message,” while wearing a t-shirt that read “Believe My Clothing” and a “F the Kids” baseball cap.

“I’m starting to think your clothes are a purposeful distraction from the heartbreaking images we’ve seen from the detention centers,” Colbert said before fake Melania showed him a spangled scarf that read “Murder All the Penguins” that she planned to sport to the next global warming summit.

To really drive the message home, fake Melania showed off a new jacket which read: “How Many More Monstrous Acts Do I Have to Support Before People Finally Start Seeing Me as Complicit In All This?”

Watch the full clip below.

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com