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  • Singapore

‘We Decided to Leave the Past Behind.’ Read What President Trump and Kim Jong Un Said While Signing Joint Agreement

3 minute read

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a “comprehensive” joint document Tuesday in Singapore in which they committed to working “toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

The signing followed a historic summit between the two leaders of the longtime foes. Trump said that they had “developed a very special bond” and that they were taking “care of very big very dangerous problem for the world.”

Kim declared that following the summit, the “world will see a major change.”

“Today’s meeting was possible thanks to hard work of President Trump,” he said. Trump, in turn, said he would “absolutely” invite Kim to the White House in the future.

Here’s the full transcript of Kim and Trump’s words following the summit:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: So, we are signing a very important document, pretty comprehensive document and we’ve had a really great term together, great relationship. I will be giving a news conference at 2:30, which is a little bit less than two hours and we’ll discuss this at great length. In the meantime, I believe they’ll be handing it out on behalf of Chairman Kim and myself and we both are really honored to sing the document. Thank you.

KIM JONG UN: Today we had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind and we are about to sign a historic document. The world will see a major change. I would like to express my gratitude to President Trump to make this meeting happen. Thank you.

Trump and Kim shaking hands, signing documents

REPORTER’S QUESTION: Did you agree to denuclearize?

TRUMP: We are starting that process very quickly. Very, very quickly. Absolutely.

Trump continues to sign documents.

TRUMP: You will be seeing everything in just a little while, the letter that we are signing is very comprehensive and I think both sides are going to be very impressed with the results. A lot of goodwill went into this, a lot of work, a lot of preparation. I want to thank everybody on both sides, Secretary (of State Mike) Pompeo and all of his counterparts. They were absolutely fantastic.”

Trump showing signed document, shaking hands with KIm

REPORTER: Mr President, what surprised you the most about Kim Jong Un

TRUMP: A great personality and very smart. Good combination. He’s a worthy negotiator, negotiating on behalf of his people. A very worthy, a very smart negotiator. We had a terrific day.We learnt a lot about each other and about our countries, so.

REPORTER: What did you learn about him?

TRUMP: I learned that he’s a very talented man. I also learned that he loves his country very much.

REPORTER: Are you going to see each other again?

TRUMP: We will meet again, we will meet many times


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