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Is This Donald Trump Statue Just the Thing to Jazz Up Your Living Room?

2 minute read

The explicit, naked Donald Trump statues caused an uproar when they popped up in cities around the U.S. in 2016, becoming instant targets for photography, protest and vandalism. And now one of the Trump statues — the last one standing — is getting put up for auction to the highest bidder on May 2 by Julien’s Auctions. It’s estimated to sell for $20,000 to $30,000.

Julien’s Auctions announced that the unclothed Trump, titled “The Emperor Has No Balls,” is part of its lineup for the upcoming Street and Urban Art auction to take place live in Jersey City in May. Produced by anarchist art collective INDECLINE as a series of five and placed in public locations around New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleveland and Los Angeles just before the 2016 elections, the fleshy Trump figure will be in good company in the auction: it’s up for sale alongside works from iconic and irreverent street artists like Banksy and Space Invader, and more traditional pop artists like Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.

The Trump nudes, originally designed by an artist going by the name of Ginger, were constructed of 300 pounds of clay and silicone. Although Ginger made a number of them, most were quickly removed from their guerrilla installation locations — although apparently only one was available for auction.

If you’re keen on adding the Trump effigy to your home decor, you can register to bid via Julien’s online portal or in person or over the phone on May 2.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com