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‘I Want Justice.’ Another Woman Who Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct Calls for Investigation

3 minute read

Melinda “Mindy” McGillivray, who says that Donald Trump groped her in 2003, is joining calls for an investigation into sexual misconduct accusations against him.

McGillivray appeared on Megyn Kelly’s show on Tuesday morning to echo the message of three other Trump accusers, who on Monday called for a Congressional ethics investigation into the allegations against President Trump.

“He has to face the music, he can’t get away with this. I demand an investigation,” McGillivray said. “I think it’s important that we hold this man to the highest of standards… Why hasn’t anything been done? Where is our investigation? I want justice.”

McGillivray originally came forward with her allegations in October 2016 in an interview with the Palm Beach Post. She said that Trump grabbed her behind backstage during a Ray Charles concert at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23.

Trump hasn’t commented on McGillivray’s specific claims, but has denied all of the allegations against him.

McGillivray told Kelly that she was shocked Trump was elected president last year. “I couldn’t believe a man like that could make it into the highest office and be revered as this leader,” she said. “I can’t look up to a man like that.”

On Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted that he’s facing “false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don’t know and/or have never met.”

But McGillivray, who said that she’s a registered Independent and wasn’t motivated by politics to come forward, told Kelly that she’s telling the truth.

“I’m not a liar. I don’t want to be called a liar,” she said. “I want to teach my daughter that if this occurs — I don’t care who this man is — you’re going to stop it right then and there.”

McGillivray is the latest Trump accuser to call for an investigation into the allegations. On Monday, three other Trump accusers — Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks and Samantha Holvey — appeared on Megyn Kelly Today before holding a press conference to call on Congress to investigate the claims against Trump. A handful of Democratic lawmakers have called on Trump to resign, while Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Sunday that Trump’s accusers deserve to be heard.

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Write to Samantha Cooney at samantha.cooney@time.com