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An American Student Hit With Acid Wants You to Pray for Her Attacker

2 minute read

One of the four Boston College students sprayed in the face with acid at a train station in France early Sunday had kind words for her suspected attacker, who authorities have described as “disturbed.”

Michelle Krug, a junior who is studying abroad in France, said she and the other three victims are “doing okay” after a woman, who apparently suffers from a mental illness, threw hydrochloric acid at the group at the Marseille-Saint Charles train station. The acid, which Krug said was “weak” and from a water bottle, got into one of her eyes and another student’s eyes. All four students were treated for burns and for shock at a hospital and are expecting a “quick recovery,” she said. Authorities arrested a “disturbed” 41-year-old French woman in connection with the attack but have not yet disclosed her identity.

“I ask that if you send thoughts and prayers our way, please consider thinking about/praying for our attacker so that she may receive the help she needs and deserves,” Krug wrote on Facebook. “Mental illness is not a choice and should not be villainized.”

Boston College identified the other three victims as juniors Courtney Siverling, Charlotte Kaufman and Kesley Kosten.

“It appears that the students are fine, considering the circumstances, though they may require additional treatment for burns,” Nick Gozik, director of Boston College’s Office of International Programs, said in a statement.

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