The Morning Brief: Travel Ban, Bastille Day and Beyoncé’s Twins

2 minute read

Good morning. These are today’s top stories:

Judge loosens Trump’s travel ban rules

Travelers from six predominantly Muslim countries — who require a close family or business tie to the U.S. to enter America under President Donald Trump’s travel ban — can now use relationships with more relatives to apply for new visas to get in, according to a federal judge in Hawaii. U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson expanded the list of family members to include grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins, according to the Associated Press.

Bill Clinton and George W. Bush talk ‘humility’

Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush said the most important trait a president should have is “humility.” The comment, which could be seen as a dig at Trump, was made at the 2017 graduation ceremony for the Presidential Leadership Scholars Program, according to NPR.

France celebrates Bastille Day

France is marking the start of the French revolution in 1789 and celebrating its national holiday today on what is known as Bastille Day. During last year’s festivities, a truck rammed into crowd of revelers in the city of Nice, killing 86 people and wounding hundreds. A judge recently banned Paris Match, a French magazine, from re-publishing images of the deadly terrorist attack.


Liu Xiaobo, China’s most prominent political prisoner, has died.

Two Israeli police officers were killed in a Palestinian attack near a Jerusalem shrine.

The Justice Department has charged more than 400 people in a crackdown on health care fraud.

JPMorgan Chase had its best quarter yet, thanks to higher interest rates.

Beyoncé and Jay Z have finally revealed the names of their twins: Rumi and Sir Carter.

The Morning Brief is published Mondays through Fridays. Email Morning Brief writer Melissa Chan at

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