Here’s Kit Harington Reciting a Handwritten Love Poem to Nicole Kidman

2 minute read

Turns out Kit Harington, better known as stoic Jon Snow, styles himself as something of a romantic wordsmith. During an appearance on Tuesday’s Late Late Show with James Corden alongside fellow celebrity guest Nicole Kidman, the Game of Thrones actor was coerced into sharing some of his craft publicly for the first time — with rather silly results.

“I do write poetry,” Harington admitted, noting that he’d never read it to anyone. “I personally think it’s good, but I’m not sure what you guys will think,” he added as a caveat. He then whipped out a piece of paper with some handwritten lines on it, and proceeded to recite a poem he stated was titled “I Have a Bad Crush on Nicole Kidman.” Predictably, the amateur poetry proved cringe-worthy.

“Nicole Kidman, I have a really bad crush on you,” he said, waxing rather less than poetic. “And I wanted to take this opportunity to say I think you’re a very good actress and also I think you’re very good looking. I’ve also really enjoyed your work for a long time, and I’ve also fancied you for a long time. ‘Fancied’ in English means I think you’re hot.” He quickly noted, however, that he thinks his actual girlfriend is “hotter,” in case his former Game of Thrones star was watching canceling out his interest in Kidman.

Harington has many talents, but perhaps the poetry should be polished in a workshop before he takes it to the stage next time. Watch the full performance above.

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