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  • the morning brief

The Morning Brief: James Comey’s Memo, Chelsea Manning’s Freedom and Michael Moore’s Trump Movie

2 minute read

Good morning. These are today’s top stories:

White House denies Comey claim about Trump

The White House said President Donald Trump “has never asked” former FBI boss James Comey to end a federal investigation into Michael Flynn, disputing a New York Times report that cited a memo Comey wrote documenting the request. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Trump told Comey during a February meeting at the White House, according to the memo. A White House official told TIME that was “not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation” between Trump and Comey.

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is freed from prison

Chelsea Manning, a transgender Army soldier, was released from prison this morning after serving seven years behind bars for leaking hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. documents to WikiLeaks. Former President Barack Obama commuted her sentence four months ago. Here’s what to know about her case.

Michael Moore is making a movie about Trump

Filmmaker Michael Moore, a vocal opponent of Trump, is creating a new documentary about the President called Fahrenheit 11/9. Moore is best known for his documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, which was critical of the Bush Administration’s so-called War on Terror. Moore tweeted that he’s making the new film “to get us out of this mess.”


The U.S. has hit Syria with new sanctions over human rights abuses.

Released jailhouse videos show conversations Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof had with his parents.

Travelers in Canada can no longer be pulled from flights due to overbooking, thanks to a new passenger bill of rights.

A Roseanne revival is officially coming to ABC next year.

The Morning Brief is published Mondays through Fridays. Email Morning Brief writer Melissa Chan at melissa.chan@time.com.

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