• Politics

President Trump’s Biggest Accomplishment Yet

3 minute read

President Trump hosted the swearing-in Monday for Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch in the Rose Garden, lauding what will almost certainly be the most substantial accomplishment of his first 100 days. Trump recognized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for deploying the nuclear option to get Gorsuch confirmed, and highlighted the fact that Gorsuch was formally sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy, for whom he clerked.

Meanwhile, the White House has been embroiled in yet another round of staff shakeup stories, which have become almost weekly occurrences. At Mar-a-Lago on Friday, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus worked to broker a détente between chief strategist Steve Bannon and senior advisor Jared Kushner after their squabbles dominated headlines last week. There are indications that a fragile peace has been formed—but don’t expect it to be the end of the West Wing drama. The tensions are a direct result of a lack of clear guidance emanating from the Oval Office, and Trump’s stated goal to be “flexible” on most issues. His Administration is not the first to have powerful and vocal aides from opposite sides of the policy spectrum. But it is the first in recent memory in which the president entered with so few fixed principles or ideas of how to govern. Trump vacillates between the populist, nationalist and mainstream conservative Republican forces in his White House, only exacerbating the tensions. Trump can’t sort his Administration out until he sorts himself out.

Administration officials get tough on Russia over Syria. Another shakeup on the National Security Council. And Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush have a socks summit.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Turmoil Ebbs In West Wing, As Aides Wait for President Trump’s Next Move
It’s not staff drama—it’s presidential drama [TIME]

The Conservative Pipeline to the Supreme Court
With the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo has reared a generation of originalist élites. The selection of Neil Gorsuch is just his latest achievement [The New Yorker]

U.S. Officials Fault Moscow on Syria Ahead of Tillerson Visit
Secretary of State expected to confront Russians on several thorny issues, including alleged election meddling [Wall Street Journal]

As Georgia Vote Nears, G.O.P. Asks if Ideological Purity Matters Anymore
The Trump effect [New York Times]

Sound Off

“I want to thank Mitch McConnell for all he did to make this achievement possible” – President Trump at the swearing-in of Neil Gorsuch

“I look forward to many happy years together.” — Gorsuch to his new colleagues on the Supreme Court

Bits and Bites

White House Denies Rumors of a Staff Shake-Up [TIME]

Another Trump Adviser Is Leaving Amid Ongoing Shuffle Within National Security Council [Associated Press]

Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush Caught Up About ‘Old Times.’ And Socks [TIME]

Your Guide to Who’s Who in the Photo of President Trump’s War Room [TIME]

Hillary Clinton: We Can’t Protect Syrian Babies While Banning Refugees [TIME]

The Evolving Constitutional Power Behind President Trump’s Syria Airstrikes [TIME]

Maggie Haberman: The New York Times reporter Trump can’t quit [CNN]

How Robert Bork Helped Make Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court Confirmation Possible [TIME]

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