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Extravagant Beauty and the Beast Prom Proposal Sets New Standard for Love

2 minute read

It’s officially spring, which means one major thing for the high schoolers out there: prom season is fast approaching. But before teens across the country get to dress up and dance awkwardly in a school gym, there’s a critical tradition as old as time that must be followed. It’s the all-important prom proposal, of course, a seminal event for which some creative romantic types insist on going all-out.

That’s certainly the case for one fairytale California couple. Valerie and Joshua documented both sides of their extravagant Beauty and the Beast-themed moment and shared it all to Twitter, serving as inspiration for other duos who might be eager to make a splash with their “promposal.” (Or, perhaps, inducing anxiety in those who aren’t quite ready to hit this high standard of Disney-level romance).

It looks like Joshua did his homework about the theme, too: earlier in March, Valerie tweeted about how “cute” she thought the new movie had been, perhaps prompting him to recreate the rose-and-candle experience in real life, complete with musical soundtrack. Prom couples of 2017, prepare yourselves, as the bar for this year’s elaborate promposals has now been set.

Beauty-inspired proposals are having a moment, too. In January, one crafty future groom even sewed an entire ballgown for his bride and staged a marriage proposal inside a library. Luckily, she also said yes.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com