Watch Stephen Colbert Call Out Kellyanne Conway for Promoting Ivanka Trump’s Brand

2 minute read

On Thursday night, Late Show host Stephen Colbert lampooned White House counselor Kellyanne Conway for her on-air promotion for the Ivanka Trump brand. During an appearance on Fox and Friends, Conway defended the president’s daughter’s clothing brand by suggesting it’s a “wonderful line.”

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” Conway said twice referring to her promotion as a “free commercial.” But Colbert—and others familiar with ethics regulations in politics—are raising a red flag over the style recommendation. House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said the plug was “absolutely wrong, wrong wrong,” “clearly over the line, unacceptable,” according to the Associated Press. Colbert used the opportunity to mock Conway’s inauguration day outfit.

“You can trust Kellyanne Conway’s fashion advice; most high school marching bands already do,” Colbert joked, referencing her patriotic $3,600 Gucci outfit seen across the nation for the president’s inauguration. But then he got serious.

“Watching her do that on a TV show is weird,” he said. “Don’t you think it should be against the rules for a White House employee to shill products? Funny story: it is. There are these vague kind of rules called laws.”

Watch the full clip above; he dives into Conway’s promotion about two and a half minutes in.

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