Walmart’s New Restaurant Will Serve Cookie Fries and All Fried Everything

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Plano, Texas is about to get a very unusual addition to its culinary scene: a restaurant is opening up inside the town’s Walmart to serve deep-fried State-Fair-themed treats all year round.

The entrepreneurial chef behind the new food endeavor is one Isaac Rousso, who has been a regular finalist and winner at the Texas State Fair over the years for his kitchen creations like Cookie Fries, Smoky Bacon Margaritas, Deep Fried Cuban Rolls, and Fried Pop Tarts, as the Dallas Morning News reports.

Depending on the new restaurant’s success in Plano, Walmart will consider opening up outlets of State Fair Treats in other locations across the country, meaning that dangerously caloric dishes like funnel cake fries and deep-fried hash browns stuffed with bacon and cheese might make it to a retail stop near you. In the face of the national trend for healthy foods, this might seem like an unexpected development — but Walmart has been bullish on retro snacks, recently adding deep-fried Hostess Twinkies to their freezer section. State Fair Treats sounds like a natural addition to this nostalgic menu.

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