• Entertainment

Watch SNL’s Hillary Clinton Try to Woo Young Voters With Song

1 minute read

Saturday Night Live mocked Hillary Clinton’s likability issues among young people with a skit in which actress Kate McKinnon sings Bonnie Raitt’s I Can’t Make You Love Me as the presidential candidate.

McKinnon reprises her popular role as the former Secretary of State as she sings solemnly in the background while a group of voters confess they were leaning toward supporting Bernie Sanders. “Hillary has every single thing I want in a president, but at the same time, she’s no Bernie,” one man says as the group discusses politics in a restaurant.

The voters tout Clinton’s experience and say’s she’s the “most qualified candidate in history” but say they’re still drawn to her rival’s “vibe.” “I like when Bernie yells but not when Hillary does,” one woman says.

Another man shouts, “Bernie is the best!” before McKinnon approaches him and sings, “You can’t make your heart feel something it won’t.”

Watch the full skit above.

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