Meet the Brave Man Who Has Eaten Chipotle Every Single Day for Months

2 minute read

Many of us claim to really like—or even really love—Chipotle. “I am obsessed with Chipotle!” we say, our cheeks flushed with tomatillo and satisfaction. “I know guac is extra,” we purr, giddy with excitement about the divine flavors soon to come.

Here’s the thing, though: none of us love Chipotle like Mark Rantal loves Chipotle. For the past few months, the Colorado Springs resident has eaten lunch at his local Chipotle every day. Every. Single. Day.

“The whole thing was totally an accident. On Monday I decided to get Chipotle and on Tuesday I made the same decision, then got lunch with my friend there on Wednesday,” Rantal told ABC News. “We laughed about it at lunch and he asked how long I thought I could go. And that began the thought.”

Last week, Rantal hosted an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. At that point, he’d been eating Chipotle for 101 days. He said he gets the same thing every time:

Burrito bowl, white rice, pinto beans, fajitas and sofritas. Pico de gallo, corn, medium salsa, cheese and lettuce.

I put the lid on, turn it upside down (only rookies shake silver-side up) shake it up that burrito bowl like crazy, then eat the whole thing with a bag of chips.

One time the girl messed up and put hot salsa in, and I wasn’t going to have her remake the whole thing. But other than that, same thing every time.

“My brain found the consistency of the experiment to be 95% delicious,” Rantal said in the AMA, adding that he has only felt tired of the food a handful of times. For the most part, the routine has been comforting.

Check out the full AMA to find the answers to further questions like what else he eats throughout the day, how much water he drinks and how Chipotle employees have reacted.

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