Morning Must Reads: March 26

3 minute read

  • “With less than a week left for people to sign up for health insurance, the Obama administration said Tuesday that it would allow more time for those who had tried to apply but were blocked by technical problems with the federal exchange.” [NYT]
  • “Just 39% of uninsured Americans know that the deadline to sign up for insurance under the health care reform law is less than a week away, according to a new poll.” [TIME] “The latest tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that, among uninsured adults, 43% don’t know when the deadline is or refused to answer. Five percent believe the deadline has already passed and 13% think it’s later this year.”
  • One-ship Ukraine Navy Defies Russia to the End [WSJ]
  • How to win the Cold War 2.0 [Politico Magazine]
  • “House lawmakers Wednesday will introduce new legislation aimed at curbing the growing violence along the U.S.-Mexico border that has left dozens of Mexicans, Americans, and others dead or injured as a result of murky use-of-force policies at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.” [BuzzFeed]
  • “Three months after more than a million Americans lost their unemployment insurance benefits, the Senate is set to move on an extension later this week, with final passage expected next week. But as the Senate gets closer to passing an extension, the House’s position has not changed.”I told the president I would consider this, as long as it was paid for and as long as there were provisions attached that would actually help the economy and help people get back to work. Those conditions have not been met,” House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday.” [National Journal]
  • “Edward Snowden said Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s proposed reforms to National Security Agency surveillance programs are a “turning point” for the country, but he added the proposal does not go far enough to protect Americans’ privacy.” [TIME]
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 sent ‘partial ping’ that could aid search [WSJ]
  • “New satellite images taken three days ago show more than 100 objects — some as long as 75 feet — that may have come from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, Malaysia’s defense minister Hishammuddin Hussein said on Wednesday.” [Washington Post]
  • Looks like the contraceptive mandate is doomed [Slate]
  • “Three Secret Service agents responsible for protecting President Obama in Amsterdam this week were sent home and put on administrative leave Sunday after going out for a night of drinking, according to three people familiar with the incident. One of the agents was found drunk and passed out in a hotel hallway, the people said.” [Washington Post]
  • The invisible primary: GOP preps as Chris Christie stumbles [Politico]

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