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Good News, Homestar Runner Fans: Strong Bad’s Back After a 6-Year Hiatus

1 minute read

Back in July, we reported that the beloved Internet cartoon series Homestar Runner would be revived — and that we might eventually be rewarded with a new installment of the beloved “Strong Bad Email” segment, first introduced in 2001. It took a little while, but we are pleased to say that dream has now come true.

The new Strong Bad Email segment is the first one since October, 2009, and it clearly acknowledges how much time has passed. He wipes a huge mound of dust off the ol’ compy to find it has been transformed into a newer, sleeker model. Soon, Homestar pops up to engage Strong Bad in a discussion about April Fools’ Day. Strong Bad, of course, insists that the Internet has ruined the holiday.

Strong Bad’s goal becomes to bring April Fools’ off the Internet and back into the real world, “where it can physically hurt people.”

Okay, so, this isn’t the best of the now 206 Strong Bad Email videos — but we’ll take it, mostly for the extreme nostalgia factor.

Read next: The Best April Fools’ Pranks of 2015

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