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Look Out, Beyoncé: This Woman’s Subway Performance Of “Halo” Is Amazing

1 minute read

Waiting for the subway can be a pretty dull, quotidian activity, but on a few rare occasions it can be punctuated by a bout of pure underground magic. Take, for example, the lucky commuters who were able to witness this woman singing her heart out to Beyoncé’s “Halo.”

While most subway singers have some talent, this anonymous woman is clearly gifted in the vocals department and her rendition of the song gives Queen Bey a run for her “Halo” money, which undoubtedly explains why none of the commuters seem annoyed by her singing. A busker has to be confident about their skills if they are going to burst into song on a subway platform, but in this clip, the New York City commuters end up applauding the woman’s efforts — and that alone says a lot about her talent.

[h/t Daily Picks & Flicks]

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