Everybody Panic: New York Woman Claims She Found a Lizard Head in a Kale Salad

1 minute read

A New York theater agent reportedly found what looks like the head of a lizard in her kale salad Tuesday, the New York Post reports.

Robin Sandusky, 31, told the newspaper that she ordered in the greens from a Midtown deli called Guy & Gallard. When she saw the foreign object in the leafy greens, she reportedly thought, “‘Oh, is that a piece of asparagus?’ And then I saw that it had eyes, and an arm.”

She sent the salad back to the deli, which refunded her purchase, according to the Post.

In a statement, Guy & Gallard managing partner Jason Jeffries said, “We consistently receive good food inspection scores, and we are currently looking into this issue.”

Her story even gave mystery author R.L. Stine goosebumps:

True Horror: NYC woman finds lizard head in her salad. http://t.co/9UNEXW6yTi

— R.L. Stine (@RL_Stine) March 12, 2014

This story has been updated to include a statement from Guy & Gallard.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com