Justin Bieber Apologizes For Visiting Tokyo Shrine Honoring War Criminals

1 minute read

In what is becoming a recurring theme, Justin Bieber has publicly apologized for being insensitive while abroad.

This time the pop-icon said he was sorry for visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, including some military leaders who committed mass atrocities during the Second World War.

Beiber wrote in a statement on Instagram that “while in Japan I asked my driver to pull over for which I saw a beautiful shrine. I was mislead to think the Shrines were only a place of prayer. To anyone I have offended I am extremely sorry. I love you China and I love you Japan.”

This misstep happened nearly a year after Bieber wrote in the Anne Frank House’s guestbook that “hopefully [Anne Frank] would have been a Belieber.”

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