‘No Moral Compass.’ Jimmy Kimmel Can’t Believe Trump Ridiculed Christine Blasey Ford

2 minute read

Days after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford gave an emotional testimony detailing how Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her, President Donald Trump mocked her at a rally and Jimmy Kimmel was appalled.

“You know, I’d say I’m starting to think a bipolar sociopath with no moral compass might not have been our best choice for president,” said Kimmel on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Wednesday night. He also turned his attention to the crowd’s behavior: “The people in the crowd, when he did this, they loved it. He mocked this woman’s story about a sexual assault, they ate it up, they laughed, they cheered. I really don’t understand it.”

The comments were perhaps even more surprising in the context, which Kimmel noted was a “rally to support Mississippi’s first-ever female senator.”

While the White House stated that Trump wasn’t mocking Ford’s assault, but rather “stating the facts”, key swing Senate Republicans and some of Trump’s usual supporters distanced themselves from his comments. “He even got a bad review from his closest friends,” Kimmel noted. “When Fox & Friends thinks Trump blew it, it got blown.”

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