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The Internet Is Convinced Trump Said ‘Opamacare’ in His State of the Union Speech

2 minute read

When President Donald Trump called Obamacare “disastrous” in his first State of the Union address, “Obamacare” sounded more like “Opamacare” to many people watching at home.

“We eliminated an especially cruel tax that fell mostly on Americans making less than $50,000 a year — forcing them to pay tremendous penalties simply because they could not afford government-ordered health plans,” he said. “We repealed the core of disastrous Obamacare — the individual mandate is now gone.”

And as soon as he touched on the policy priority to repeal President Barack Obama’s health insurance reform law, supporters in the House cheered him on. But a lot of people heard “Obamacare” with a “p” instead of a “b,” an apparent verbal snafu that was not ignored on the Internet.

Whatever he said, social media commentators seized the opportunity to run with a new way to refer to his predecessor’s health care plan.

As news of the apparent pronunciation kerfluffle spread, one user encouraged Obama to simply lean into the rebrand.

And another user nominated “Opamacare” to dethrone the midnight Trump tweet that gave the Internet “covfefe.”

The Obamacare/Opamacare issue wasn’t the only fodder the speech provided. The soundtrack of the evening — the President’s clapping — also got the meme treatment.

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